Gender: Socialized or Inherent?

I tend to think that gender is mostly a socialized concept, but at the same time I cannot resist believing there are some portions of our gender that are simply inherent. It is simply genetics. It is a case of X and Y chromosomes.

Having said that, gender is a socialized concept because our ideals of what is womanly and what is manly are almost completely arbitrary. As women have gained political, social, and economic rights, the world has seen many capable women performing duties that were only seen as capable by someone with “manly” virtues. Just the same, as women have begun to leave the home, men have found their way into roles only previously occupied by women.

These types of households do not suffer as a result. They are not dangerous aberrations. They are just different than our standardized normal. As a human being – not a man or woman – living the type of life that is fulfilling and will bring one happiness shouldn’t be restricted by predefined social constructs.

Also, the video is really cute.